The Legend-Maker Trifecta
When you land on a site that is visually gorgeous, but the words are subpar, what happens is you begin to doubt what you read.
Are they lying to me?
There’s something wrong here.
Copy is a supporting role...a major supporting role in your entire business.
In other words, if you have killer copy, but your products and services don’t really fill a true need, you won’t sell as much as you could.
If you have killer visuals and site, but your copy lacks emotion and art, you won’t sell as much as you could.
If you have killer copy, but you, yourself, have trouble connecting with would-be clients, you won’t sell as much as you could.
There’s a Legend-Maker Trifecta at play:
Your visuals (branding, site, colors, fonts, etc)
Your copy
You, of course, being the heart and soul of it all. Then the layers of marketing help you flesh out the whole picture.
You can come to me with the best ideas on the planet, and I can write your awesomeness into existence, but if you don’t have the wherewithal to make it happen, it’s useless.
You can come to me with the most powerful ideas and I can write your awesomeness into existence, but if your site isn’t up to the standard of your ideas and my supporting words, it’s useless.
How the fuck do you fix that?
You grow.
You decide what you want, what you’re willing to do to get it, and IF you can even pull it off (you know...your values matter here...if you want to run a $100,000 a month company, you’re going to have to give up trying to be Jane Cleaver and vice versa).
Who are you?
What do you want?
What does having it all look like for you?
What are you willing to do to get it?
What are you willing to give up to have it?
This all matters.
I’ve had people come to me and pay me to write the art they know they are capable of for them, then their businesses fell off the face of the earth.
They decided showing up in social every fucking day was too much for them. Or they decided the business they thought they wanted, actually wasn’t it.
They see how much of your soul being a successful entrepreneur takes and they gave up.
Running a 5-, 6-, or 7-figure a month business takes a lot. It takes a lot out of you. OR it PUTS A LOT INTO YOU.
If you are in the right business, and you have massive ideas that you know can change the world, you owe it to yourself and to your will-be clients (and SOCIETY!?) to bring all of you to the table.
And if you’re ready to have me on-call in your corner to make powerful magic, hit me and let’s talk about how you can ensure that you sound pro 100% of the time. I have new retainer packages available for high-performing women, as well as for those who are ready to step into that high-performing role, but haven’t made it just yet.