What the F*!? Is Compelling Content, anyway (and how do you craft it)?
If your content sucks, you’re sunk. Period.
And you might have the best/most interesting topic matter in the world, but if your writing tanks, the readers won’t dig on it and if they don’t, you’ve lost. Literally
People will only follow up material that kicks them in the feels.
What feels?
Any and All of them.
And on
Because if you can arouse in them the things that matter most to them, you fucking win.
So, How do you do that??
1. By knowing your ideal clients inside and out. If you’re new here, this won’t be the first time you hear me say this. And if you’ve been around a while - sorry, not sorry.
This is the crux of your entire business.
If you don’t know your customer/client intimately, you can’t create products/programs/ services/promos/specials/ads/content that they actually want to read.
Therefore, you struggle more than you profit.
Feedback to signal your brain
Pay attention to comments/likes/shares your ideal clients make in social
Analyze them and adjust your content/copy to reflect what you learn.
For example, listening to what people in my community were saying, we were able to give birth to Witchy Business, the daily planner that anticipates rituals, spells, and other lunar awesomeness because people were longing for one that was all inclusive of their aspects of life (time, biz, body, witchiness).
2. Craft your own unique vantage point.
Everybody regurgitates content they’ve seen, even when, especially when they’re starting out. But I beg you to pull out of that slag quickly.
People follow people who teach them new things and you can’t be that somebody unless you are cultivating your own viewpoints, ideas, and voice.
By practicing - fucking being willing to be seen and heard - that’s where your voice comes from.
And by stepping away from the computer to allow yourself uninfluenced time to think.
By taking action and letting shit fail, so you arrive at what doesn’t. And publish the fuck out of it ALL.
Become that creator that people come to know, like and trust easily.
3. Give them shit that’s going to jet propel them forward.
Rather than posting a plain opinion blog post, give them meat and ask them to take action. By giving them steps to take your position yourself as a caring leader in your industry (hello know, like, and trust).
4. Craft headlines that have them racing for the link to see what you had to say.
This comes from knowing them and writing to them in intriguing ways.
Avoid asking weak, watery questions
Use cliff hangers - not click bait
Speak directly to their fails or their pleasures
So if you want eyes, you have to give them a reason to look.
Send your next creation through this test and see if you pass:
Is this information that I’ve heard my clients asking for?
Have I taken my own stance/angle with the info? Did I interject my own research/data?
Did I make it actionable?
Does the headline feel weak and obvious or unusual and intriguing?
Ready to sell your next program/product? Pick up a Money Page and you’ll also get a traffic plan that includes what your clients want to see most from you.