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Self-Acceptance: one more step toward Cosmos

In the quest to connect our Facets of Self, we know Mindfulness is key to being aware and

alive; key to letting Soul live and breathe within us. Yet, Soul is still trapped without Self-Acceptance.

In order to free it and allow others into our Cosmos, the chains of guilt and self-doubt have to be broken. Each person shimmers, but seeing that shimmer can be difficult for some. In accepting Self for the beauty that it is and recognizing its potential as if it were the Self of another, we afford it the opportunity to flourish and grow. We do not hold friends and family as critically as we hold our own Self. Why punish it in this way? Their Self is no different from ours. Being overly critical hinders it and creates limiting beliefs. Thereby, binding it.

Heart, Soul, Mind Conflict

Soul accepts Self and loves it. Heart accepts Self and loves it. But, it is Mind that overly disciplines Self and makes it feel less than the rest. By being mindful, we are aware that these limits set upon Self are not true limits, but only perceptions of truth. In this way, we recognize the moments at which Mind is needlessly reprimanding Self. We react. We change what we believe. Repeatedly countering negative thoughts of self-doubt with positive thoughts of self-acceptance anchors those affirmations within us.

Why do you not accept Self?

Ask yourself from where the criticism originated. Perhaps it was imparted by a member of Other. Maybe your parents parented in negative ways. Maybe a teacher that you looked up to made you feel less than adequate about an assignment that you felt really great about. Maybe you are truly a critical person and you are the only bestower of your own negativity. Release them all. They thought they were serving you by pushing you to be greater, but the truth is greatness was already there.

Love Self as much (or more than) you love Other. Because there is no doubt how much you love your family and friends and Self deserves the same love.

See the big picture...

Look into Heart. Look into Soul. See your beauty. See that you do the best that you can do and accept what is your best. Yes, Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov won the Nobel in Physics in 2010 "for groundbreaking experiments regarding the two-dimensional material graphene". But, you are you. Don't judge Self by what Other does. You are SuperMom. You are DaringDad. You are SuperStudent. BestSister. Whatever. Accept who you are as a unique creature that gives life all that it can.

Robert Holden says in Happiness Now! that "Happiness and self-acceptance go hand in hand. In fact, your level of self-acceptance determines your level of happiness. The more self-acceptance you have, the more happiness you'll allow yourself to accept, receive and enjoy. In other words, you enjoy as much happiness as you believe you're worthy of [emphasis added]."

How much happiness/love/Self-acceptance do you believe you are worthy of?

In the end...

Accept Self. Love Self. Connect the Facets of it together by aligning the way Mind thinks with the way Heart and Soul feel. You are beautiful. Transform your chaos into cosmos.


1. Listen for the negative voices.

2. Address them.

3. Counter them with a positive affirmation.

4. Make it a daily habit to keep an Affirmation Journal, writing down your strengths and acknowledging your weaknesses as lesser strengths, not weakness.

What is it that you would like to fully accept about yourself? Do you love yourself as unconditionally as you love others? I looove talking to YOU! Leave your thoughts and comments below:) Thanks for visiting!

© Tania Dakka and Chaotic Musing, 2011

