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The Mosh Pit (Entrepreneur Style)

Getting to know new people. That's what's at the heart of your marketing efforts (or should be). It's not about blasting your message across the webs and hoping people come to you. It's about meeting people, nurturing their efforts, and getting to know them. It's about the passion to help others.

Since starting the Garage Party, I've met so many wonderful people and passionate entrepreneurs, it's inspiring. And they deserve a permanent home, not just a moment's flash in social media. That's why, every week, the Garage Party will culminate in the Monday Mosh Pit posts on the blog. The VIPs from the weekend before will find their links, their songs and their faces here after the effects of the music wear off. :) (Want to be a VIP? Email me your favorite song, the link you want promoted, and a sentence about what you do to tania@taniadakka.com to get your biz in front of 2600+ on the next open bill!)

We never know what's going to happen at a Garage Party. Last week we had loads of fun! FooPlugins even offered a 20% discount on their branded plugins with a special code for the party! Lots of chatter and meeting awesome entrepreneurs. You should come by this Friday! Really! You have an open invitation :)


Joe helps bring down the costs and improve the results for real estate

buyers and sellers, while increasing the income of the newly defined “best” agents in the real estate industry. If you’re in real estate, you really want to know Joe. Actually, even if you’re not because he’s cool like that!

Check out Joe's book AND his favorite song, "Little Room"!


When I asked Ambrose to send me his sentence, this is what he said ,

"My passion is helping people be better by serving others through experience + knowledge as a coach. Nutrition + fitness are my specialties. Sneakers + music are my interests. I love history, hustle, + huskies." Not once did he mention his killer trainer biz! So, here, I'm telling you :)

If you're in Milwaukee (home of HD! Lucky you!), check out Ambrose's biz, Mispibo!


Tracy teaches people how to live happy and look younger and follow

their path to a Healthy You! She's also part of this cool thing called the Happiness Movement and you can join the 410,000 or so people that have already pledged to Live Happy everyday! Check out this coolness :)

Join the Happiness Movement with Free Website and Ripple Tracker.

Look Younger and join Healthy You community on Google + to help you on your path to a Healthy You...


His work helps you. He creates software that helps entrepreneurs

connect with their tribes on deeper levels. (And YOU know what you do when THAT happens, yeah?) Jack’s an ace marketer and knows how to build products you need and inspire others to reach their potential. Get to know him and his work!

Check out his site AW Pro Tools to turbo charge your Aweber account!


Adam is the cofounder of Foo Plugins. He chose this song because the

lyrics are sooo apt for us as entrepreneurs: Fantasy and free thinking (that brought us Mickey Mouse) can easily be lost. SOOOO right! Light those fires and KEEP them lit!

Meet Adam and check out his site, Foo Plugins (Where you can enter the code GARAGEPARTY and get 20% off your purchase of any Foo-branded plugin like FooBox, PostFlow and more!)



Amelia's an amazing rockstar and is doing a fab job of juggling a full plate with her hands full as a full-time mom and copywriter!

Check her out at Seattle Healthcare Copywriting and spin this ass-kicker. (Love this song!)



OMG When I saw Nir's vid on developing products that are habit

forming, I was HOOKED! No kidding!

Love his work! Please check out Garage Party VIP, Forbes, TechCrunch, and Psychology Today writer, Nir Eyal and his course at www.HookModel.com, where you'll learn how to build habit-forming products. (Think: Facebook, not drugs. Yes, I'm 12! You know that by now!)

WARNING: If you're an entrepreneur, Hooked may make your mouth water!

PS Is this not a kick ass jam??


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That's the view of last week's Garage Party from the Mosh Pit! Hope you enjoyed it and more importantly, I hope you discovered some new peeps to follow, like, share, meet, collaborate with, or even share some music with. Thanks for reading, please consider helping them by clicking the share button on this post to spread the word!

Thanks! Kick ass this week! Tania


Haven't been a VIP yet? Email me at tania@taniadakka.com with your favorite song, the link you want promoted and a sentence about what you do and get in on the next party's bill!

