A personal letter to YOU, click Here
In case you don't know what a mosh pit actually is: It's a competition of strength and tenacity during a concert that has your blood so jacked you feel no pain when you butt heads or take an elbow to the ribs. It's a competition. A permission slip to let out your anger and aggression in a "friendly" environment. Although, I understand they're not always friendly. Still you get the idea: Bodies thrashing around and seeing who's going to be left standing.
Kind of like business, competing to see who's going to be left standing amongst the friendly competition. That's one of the reasons I love the Monday Mosh Pit concept. Each week, 7 VIPs get in the pit and have a blast to some great music creating our own entrepreneurial mosh pit! Let's jump in, too, and see who took to the pit this week and what music's inspiring them.
Quick side note: If you're interested in getting in on the action and becoming a VIP, drop an email with your favorite song, a link you want promoted with it, and a sentence about why you kick ass to tania (at) taniadakka (dot) com!
You know single life is more than “in-the-meantime.” You know that being lonely and being single are very different.
That's what Single and the Sweet Side of 40 is all about...helping you navigate waters you never thought you'd have to navigate. Beth O'Donnell was born single and that's never changed. So she can help you get through and decide to be happy...like she did. Check out her favorite tune and her site!
If you're an artist, like Amantha Tsaros, you may have some difficulty pricing your work. I mean, you put your soul onto that canvas, you want
to get what you can for it. Laura's going to help you get it straight so you can earn what you deserve.
Selling is hard for some of us. It feels yucky, sleazy, nerve-racking. But, CJ Van Vroohis teaches owners like you to LOVE selling so you can
create a thriving online business. Check out CJ Van Vroohis and her tune!
You know the new trend that's rockin' everybody's iTunes is podcasting. It's an amazing way to build your authority and your foundation. So
these guys started the first ever Podcast Movement to teach people how to create successful podcasts.
This is the song chosen to rep the Podcast Movement (I am not responsible for song choices...that. is. all. LOL)
You can't tell me you haven't spent hours sweating over building a page in Wordpress. Jonny Nastor has this killa tool that will let you say
goodbye to your Wordpress Admin panel. WHA?? Check out Jonny's tune and his site!
Time for tonight's Surprise VIP!
Did you know there's a way to triple your Facebook engagement in just ten minutes a day?? Sounds like a dream come true, doesn't it? But with Post Planner, you'll feel like you have an entire Facebook Marketing team on demand. WHA? Check it out!
And welcome the Ambassador of Awesomeness: Scott Ayres!
The Official Garage Party Spotify playlist is here for your hours of inspiration. Plug it in!
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That's it for this week's 7 amazing VIPs (aka kick-ass entrepreneurs!)! Meet them. Greet them. Make some new friends! And hit me with your favorite song, the link you want promoted, and a sentence about why you kick ass at tania (at) taniadakka (dot) com to secure your VIP spot for an upcoming Garage Party!
Kick Ass!