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Monday Mosh Pit (Entrepreneur Style!) - Featuring Stanford Smith

One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.

~Bob Marley

I have to say, I disagree with the Maestro on this one. Music has the power to rip souls open - which is the exact OPPOSITE of not feeling pain. Music has a power over those of us who feel it so deeply that it affects our moods, our lives, and our businesses. Yes. Our businesses.

Without it, we couldn't create. We couldn't find inspiration to dig past the fear of rejection. To dig past the fear of invisibility. We couldn't be so naked with our art.

Music isn't a load of notes strung together. It's the soul of the artist put on display. And that's what pushes us to be who we are. Entrepreneurs with the drive to beat our demons at their own game. And if you're one of those creators, then you should be a VIP. Email me tania (at) taniadakka (dot) com with your favorite song, the link you promoted with it, and a sentence about why you kick ass!

And OMG - I'm off THAT soapbox now! (Geez, that was heavy, wasn't it??)

I KNOW you've spent an hour or two searching gigs on Fiverr. Guess what. Gauher has created a way for you to know who's aces for what

you need without wasting loads of time! How killa is THAT? Say hi to Gauher and check out his tool, Gig Elite!



Feel like you're spinning your wheels in social? Stop. Vern will help you with your social strategy so you can actually be productive and see an

ROI from your effort! Plus, he has this killa podcast called the Social Strategy Podcast where he delivers tips and tricks to set you straight! Say hi to Vern Ross and check out his podcast!



Karen is part of this unique referral ecommerce engine that pays back customers every time their friends shop! How KEWL is that?? You

become a member. You get your friends to buy, too. Then, you earn cash for it :) Check out Zuzu Lane and Karen's track!



Looking to change up your marketing strategy for a method that works? Jackie Jimenez has your back! She's holding a free webinar July 1st

that will teach you how to cascade your content across your networks, proper set up for your site, how email marketing will strengthen your strategy, the top plugins you need, and how to integrate your strategies to streamline your marketing. Sign up an InnovateWP and develop a strategy that works!



Phil thinks the workplace deserves a little zen to help you kiss stress goodbye. I'm for the stress-less work day, what about YOU? Apparently,

he's going to try to break my high strung habit with this podcast, Zenployee! Get to his site and check out how to make your day have a little more zen!



Ben helps people overcome plateaus and breakdown the barriers that stand between them and success. He's a sought-after health coach

and advocate against obesity. And he's qualified to do that because he's lost 160 pounds since 2009! You can get anymore experience under your belt than that! Welcome Ben and check out his Defy the Plateau podcast so you can reach your goals!


http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/defy-the-plateau and iTunes at https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/defy-the-plateau-podcast/id814994770?mt=2

And now it's time for our Surprise VIP, Stanford Smith of Pushing Social! His blog was named a Top 10 Social Media Blog in 2012 and 2013 and

he helps businesses do what Ben Dempsey does...only with business...not bodies. Stan's an amazingly down-to-earth chap that I learned loads from. Looking to make a difference in your social? Try Pushing Social!



And plug in to the Official Garage Party Spotify playlist to get your AWESOME on!

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That's it for this week! Intro yourself to these cats and make a difference! (Oh, and if you want to be featured, hit me at tania (at) taniadakka (dot) com with your song, link, and a sentence about why you rock!)

Kick ass!

