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Monday Mosh Pit (Entrepreneur Style!) - Featuring Joel Libava

Friends, music, and biz...what better way to end a tough week of reaching out, negotiating contracts, fulfilling purchase orders, and just making the world go 'round?? So each week, 7 VIPs are celebrated and flaunted in front of 2700+ entrepreneurs via social media at the Garage Party in hopes to spread the word about the kick ass work they do. And every Monday, all their info from Friday night is compiled into this Monday Mosh Pit post to corral them into one place. You can get in on the Garage Party fun, too! Simply drop a quick email to tania(at)taniadakka(dot)com with your favorite song, the link you want promoted with it, and a bit about why you kick ass! See? Easy peasy! Now...meet our royal VIPs for this week!

Our first #GarageParty VIP is Jackie Lea Shelley and I fell in love with her site because she makes things...sometimes with glitter! She's an

artist with an undeniable free spirit. Check out the eternal 6-year old, Jackie and her song!



You have to dig entrepreneurs who are devoted to helping each other reach financial freedom! Check out Nick Loper and his

song! Join www.SideHustleNation.com to kick ass, too!


"Doing things my own way" <---YEAH!

Meet the woman who is committed to making you healthy! (Notice I said "you"! ) Farnoosh Brock has a killa book out called the Healthy

Smoothie Bible to set your feet in motion down the path to feeling like 1.4 million dollars. DO IT!



Casey Lewis wants you to know the 40-Hour Work Week is DEAD! Put your money and your dream on the same team with Casey! Stop in and

say hello!



Imagine letting your soul run wild. That's what Liz DiAlto teaches! You have to check out her GORGEOUS site and what she's doing to give you

the keys to infinite joy, love, and freedom!

Check out her song before you jump over to http://wildsoulmovement.com/how-it-works !


This guy is interviewing people everyday to help you push your limits and reach far beyond what your teachers wanted you to reach when you

were in school.

Meet Eric Gati and check out his song!



Time for our SURPRISE VIP, Joel Libava!

Joel recently saved my ass from buying up a losing franchise with his books and I'm forever grateful! Thanks, Joel!

If you're looking into buying a franchise or think you might want to go that route one day, check out his books and his Franchise King® site!


As always, the Official Garage Party Spotify playlist is here for you to plug in and begin creating your own awesome with these inspired tunes!

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That's it for this week! Hook up with these VIPs and change your world for the better! See you at Friday at 8pm EST on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ for this week's Garage Party!

Kick Ass, Always!

