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Monday Mosh Pit (Entrepreneur Style!) - Featuring Dave Delaney

Every Friday, 7 VIPs grace my Facebook, Twitter, and G+ channels in an effort to showcase some kick-ass entrepreneurs who're getting it done. We have a blast meeting new people, forming new bonds, and just hanging out and enjoying the eclectic tastes in music. This week, like every week, is chock full of business owners I'm proud to call friends. Welcome to this week's Garage Party! Let's meet our new peeps!

You see those killa pins on Pinterest and automatically click "pin" just because it resonates with you, you've done it. Admit it. Melissa wants

to help you create those kinds of pins. The ones people adore and share as if they were pins of cutie kitties making mischief when no one's looking. Yep, she's going to make you THAT good with her course, Pinterest Savvy: Strategies, Plans, and Tips to Grow Your Business. Say hi to Melissa and check out her favorite track!



Sarah and Peter are health nuts. Really cool health nuts. They've created The Seasonal Diet to help take the hard part out of eating

healthy. (And I love their home page copy: Tell us how you're feeling and we'll send you a surprise!) How cool is that? Check out Sarah and Peter's work and her favorite song!



He's got a new morning series coming out called "Coffee and Chaos" (Do I need to tell you how much I love that title??) to help boost your

day. Each vid is 3-5 minutes, unscripted goodness. All you need to do to get your morning boost is sign up and Jeff will let you know when Coffee and Chaos is up and rolling so you can get your daily dose!



Meet Martita Robinson, the Luminescent Diva, bringing you balance and wellness - without the struggle.

Her hook (anyone notice I'm obsessed with these people's copy this week??): You don't need to take medication to experience tranquility. Or even need to visit a therapist once a week. (Although therapists are amazing!) You just have to want it.

Check out her site and her song!



Our next VIP aims to help rewire the struggles of ADHD with his podcast and he's reaching out and making amazing connections with

his work. Got say, I'm very impressed with Eric Tivers' work and highly recommend that you check it out if you suffer from ADHD or know someone who does. His podcast is on all three venues, check out his website to subscribe to your fave.

Check out his unusual track: http://youtu.be/GRYy-soGoUI



Wendy White wants you to fear less, adventure more, and never settle for the ordinary. Can I get a HELLYEAH!? Sign up for her list and she'll

help you disrupt the status quo. Wendy's doing amazing work. Please check her out if you're ready to get out of the role they told you you should play. Oh, and get this ditty from Gene Wilder!



It's my honor to bring you our Surprise VIP tonight! Meet the man who is helping change the face of networking. He's a fellow contributor

to Chris Brogan's Owner Magazine. And he's a renowned speaker.

Welcome Dave Delaney! Please check out his site and pick a copy of his "New Business Networking" so you can grow farther and faster.



Plug in to the Official Garage Party Spotify playlist and get inspired!

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That's it for this week's ass-kicking entrepreneurs! Rock YOUR week and get on the VIP list for an upcoming Garage Party!

Kick Ass!

