A personal letter to YOU, click Here
You know you love music. You know you love your biz. What better end to a kick ass week than a jam session with other entrepreneurs that love what they do as much as you love what you do? Come party at the Garage Party one night and see where it takes you. You never know who's path you'll cross and the gifts they'll come bearing! You know what I'm doing now: Shutting up. Because I want you to meet some amazing entrepreneurs and some killer tunes this week!
Meet the badass love child of strategy and storytelling! Aliza Stein’s A Freaking Great Company aims to be the secret weapon of choice for
entrepreneurs. But ONLY if you’re in the biz of hustle, ambition and general online foolery.
Say hi to fellow badass, Aliza Stein! And check out one of our few international shares!
Love affiliate marketing AND the arts? Connect with Candice Blaesing! She’s a marketing and PR ass-kicker ready to help you make money on
da interwebs! Check out her kickin’ song and her site! (WHICH has gorgeous, romantic roses! And shut up…even badasses love roses like that!)
Fellow biz writer, Cathy Miller’s got 30+ years experience in web/print business writing & healthcare, wellness & employee benefits…she
knows how to help you keep it simple, clear & uniquely yours. Check out her kick ass song and her site!
Chick? Offer retreats? Or want to? Check out Rebecca Tracey’s Retreat Retreat and walk away knowing how to rock yours so you can kill it at
the bank while you get PAID TO TRAVEL! Heeeeelllloooooo?? Check out Rebecca’s site…and her song!
You couldn’t meet a better dude. Juan Ortiz is a digital media content specialist (that means he’ll help you rock your content across the
digital landscape) and he rocks at what he does. Check out Juan’s digs and his KICK ASS song!
Meet a man who has worked in rat-infested workshops, and scoured the back streets of London looking for characters and stories for his
techno thrillers and sci-fi titles. Colin’s high-tech, high-thrill writer that you’re going to love! I’m proud to present his favorite tune and his books…check them out!
Get a free novel here!
I gotta tell ya. ANYONE who has "miscreant" in their bio is ACE with me. Meet our Surprise VIP, Louie Baur! You may know him as Long Beach
Louie. He’s a skateboarder. He’s a biker. He’s a Desert Storm vet. And true to his bio, he’s chosen a song that reps the rep! This dude’s Instagram, awesome. His taste in bikes, impeccable. And his tunes, rockin’! Welcome to the Garage Party, Louie!
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Super party Friday night! Loaded with colorful entrepreneurs who dig what they do and have a blast kickin' it. Now, it's your turn...share and/or comment on this post to let them know you're digging their work, too! Then, email me at tania(at)taniadakka.com to grab your spot on an upcoming Garage Party VIP list! See you soon!
Kick ass!