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Monday Mosh Pit (Entrepreneur Style) - Featuring Cody McKibben

You meet people day in and day out, but how often do you take the time to ask them, "What's your favorite song?" Think about it. Someone's favorite song speaks volumes about who he or she is. You can really get a sense of what appeals to them by knowing what notes and styles attract them the most, or what lyrics pull at their soul. That's what makes the Garage Party so much fun. You get to read a little into the souls of the entrepreneurs you meet. You get a glimpse of whether or not you'll jive with possibly working with that person. This week's lineup holds some very differing tastes in music to match their differing styles of biz. Check out some of the free goodies these entrepreneurs are offering and their tunes!

Now...if you write your own copy (ahem...stop) or books or whatever you're scrawling across the net, you need Aaron! He's a freelance

editor and writer with killer taste in tunes, I mean who can't dig Satriani's Time Machine. Please say hi to Aaron Sikes, check out his tune and his site!



Businesses that know how to tell killer stories are the ones that thrive online and Jennifer Blanchard has a FREE guide and workbook to help

you master the elusive art of telling stories your audience will dig into! Jennifer's ACE (and I'm not saying that because she chose Soundgarden as her song!) Say hi to her and GRAB YOUR WORKBOOK because you want to tell stories people want to hear!



Speaking of telling stories, it was Devin's story that hooked me on inviting him to come hang out here at the Garage Party! He's a speaker,

coach, author, and Chief Inspiration Officer at Devin C. Hughes Enterprises. Stop by and dig into how Devin got to where he is (after you check out his track!) :)



Speaking is more than being on the stage. Speaking is owning your shit and showing the world what you're made of. Chantelle is going to inject

you with a magic courage potion so you can! Okay, not really "inject" you with it...but she's got a course that's going to teach you to write your standing ovation (I'm so in love with that line!!) Check out her Centre Stage Program at the Courage Revolution so you can add credibility, clients, cash, and a bigger impact to your message ASAP.



You couldn’t meet a better dude. Juan Ortiz is a digital media content specialist (that means he’ll help you rock your content across the

you get back that YUM with her LifeYUM Sessions. Seriously. Embrace the YUM because taking care of everyone doesn't mean you should lose who you are. Say hi to Lisa and check out her site and song!



Convincing your customers to buy your product by shouting it on Twitter won't get the job done. It's about knowing how and what

buttons to push. Bushra has your secret weapons! Welcome to the Persuasion Revolution! Stop by her site, take the Persuasion Power Quiz (hope you do better than I did! I got "Woeful Persuader" Gah! Time to practice!) and say hello!



Please give Cody McKibben (aka Cody McKillinit) a very warm Garage Party welcome! His Digital Nomad Academy helped me get my footing

with running a biz from my laptop so I could work from wherever doing what I love. He's amazing entrepreneur doing massive work with other entrepreneurs. Check out the Digital Nomad Academy and his Thrilling Heroics site! Say hi to Cody!


http://www.thrillingheroics.com/ and http://digitalnomadacademy.com/

And don't forget to plug in and play the Official Garage Party Spotify Playlist!

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Which of this week's VIP's lit a spark with you? Reach out and connect with them, then tell them what brought you together. Like Paul! He found Chantelle's site resonated with him and he signed up and grabbed her ebook. YES! WOOHOOO! THAT'S what this is all about! Want more people to connect with you and your biz? Email me (tania (at) taniadakka (dot) com) or fill out the form here. See you at next week's Garage Party!

Kick ass!

