A personal letter to YOU, click Here
Music is passion. Successful business takes passion. What better way to celebrate them both than with a social party each week?? At this week's Garage Party, we've got a lineup of fascinating entrepreneurs and eclectic tastes in music. And I kid you not, I had never seen Bruno Mars before looking for our first VIP's song! OMG. There's a reason for that. :D
Soooo, if you want in on a future Garage Party, email me at tania@taniadakka.com or fill out your deets on the Garage Party page :) I'm shutting up now so you can listen to some good tunes and meet some cool cats!
“Mama! I wanna play!” “Baby, we’ll, just let me finish this blog post.” “Ohhh! You’re always working!” “I’m sorry!”
Sound familiar?? Karen Taggart can change that. She helps moms start their own biz, spend a ton o’ time with the kids and have a loving relationship with their SO. In other words, she teaches moms how to have it all!
Check out her song...my first encounter with Bruno Mars. No. Really. http://youtu.be/m8Ed8in9Qng
Meet Alba Figueroa – she’s going to make your launch successful without and ginormous budget or years of experience behind you! Have
a product or service you’re getting ready? DO THIS FIRST!
Meet Alba Figueroa – she’s going to make your launch successful without and ginormous budget or years of experience behind you! Have
an intuitive and a psychic reader. Say hello to Mary and check out this most awesome song that had me dancing all afternoon
Check out her contest here ??and her Facebook page
OMG!!! Chocolate for a year! HOLY smokin’ Joe. Now, you give me one sane reason why you wouldn’t enter NibMor’s contest?? (And by “sane”,
I mean, not “I don’t like chocolate” OMG! These people exist??) Enter this contest :) (By the way, this chocolate is organic, non-GMO, fair trade and gluten-free heaven – so you can eat abnormal amounts of it ;) ??Check out Nibmor! Oh, and this tune…these are special indie performers. Check out her pipes :)
Meet the guy who believes in you and that you are a CHAMPION! Meet Herby Fabius, entrepreneur, blogger, andpodcaster. He talks to
successful startup founders and cofounded the small business gift card platform triplefy.com??Check out Herby’s tune, his Billion Success Podcast, and his gift card platform!
Justin Harmon wants you to help you realize your freedom, earn your wealth, and grow. Check out his site: On Freedom, Wealth, and Growth
and get to know him!
ANNNND now for the #GarageParty’s SURPRISE VIP: He’s the surgeon that spends more time teaching his patients to cook than operating on
them! LOVE this doc! Doctor T knows what he’s talking about - follow him and get your biz body healthy!
Check out his uber-classy tune:
You can find current and past VIPs' songs here in the Official Garage Party Spotify playlist!
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Hit me with your deets and become a VIP like these cool cats who were featured in front of 2600+ entrepreneurs last Friday night :)