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You love sharing your work, it's part of the fun of being an entrepreneur! That's what the Garage Party and the Mosh Pit post is all about! Sharing and meeting new people! This week, we had a really awesome lineup of tunes. Check them all out, share this post and email me to grab YOUR spot on an upcoming Garage Party to share your work with 2600+ entrepreneurs! Let's jump right in!
Meet Sassenach MacConney, owner of Live Love Meow LLC. LLM is a pet supply company that caters to cats, and the people who love them. Now, I don't do pets (with four other people to clean up after and feed, I don't need four-legged creatures, too), but there's some really cool
stuff on her site, like a cat grooming BAG. How cool is that??
Kitty lovers, check out the cool gadgets and necessities Sass has for you!
Meet Debbie Donehey of Griffin Tavern in Flint Hill, Virginia. This local "Cheers"-like pub also has an AMAZING looking menu for breakfast and brunch, too. (And if I ever roll Thunda out that way, I'm definitely making it a pit stop!)
Web designer/developer Natalia Real is Website Superhero: She works with solopreneurs who are driven, smart, and making a positive difference in the world -- and who need a website or need to make the one they have 100x better.
Meet the Bombchelle! Michelle does what she does because she doesn't think we HAVE to run ourselves into the ground to be successful or create amazing work. (Totally agree, don't you??)
Check out the awesome resources she's put together to help you stay sane and get shit done!
I'm going to let Shenee tell you about her: "I do what I do because I don’t want anyone to feel like they aren’t good enough to do the work they truly want to do. I do what I do because I truly believe that through the power of branding, we can show up as the people we really
Because the internet is "scary shit", this rockstar went from 20 followers to 3.5M (that's a capital M...meaning MILLION, right??) views for one blog post that stomped stupid VS' ASS. It was awesome! Meet Mandy, writer of the post that said what we all felt about VS. LOL (And
by we, I mean all of us MOMS who know what real freakin' bodies look like).
That's in for this week! Plug in the Official Garage Party Spotify playlist and enjoy hours of faves!
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Thanks for reading! Don't forget to drop me an email at tania@taniadakka.com to grab one of the limited VIP spots for an upcoming Garage Party so you can share your work with 2600+ entrepreneurs!
See you soon! Tania