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The Danger of Autopilot on Your Business (And how you can fix it)

The other day a friend

said, "Yeah, you need to change that up," referring to my drink of choice.

It's been bugging the crap out of me ever since. Do I really need to change that up?? I mean, number one, I LOVE it. Number two: It's a habit. I don't have to think about it.

I don't have to think about it.

Day in and day out, when you run a business, meet clients, decide on what projects to conquer first, take care of admin crap, manage a home of 5 people, make decisions about what to cook, what to clean first, what emails you need to send, fold and put away mountains of laundry, decisions for yourself are the last ones you want to make. Putting things on autopilot makes life a little less chaotic.


Creativity comes from that chaos. So what if my dearest friend was right? What if you really should change up a little more?


I'm an advocate of autopilot. Life just becomes too overwhelming when everyone else's demands are on you. And autopilot means you can do what has to be done, quickly, easily, almost painlessly. But autopilot becomes an issue when everything is set to it.

You stop using your brain so much and your creativity suffers. Life is about experiencing things, not just moving through it. Put your laundry on autopilot, not your detergent.

Put your menu-planning on autopilot, not what you cook.

Autopilot should be about the processes, not the details. Enjoyment, pleasure, LIFE is

in the details.


Release some of your autopilot and take the wheel for a while. And live in those moments.

Take a long, hard look at what you do, day in and day out. Find those spots that you're just existing, not living. Change them up a little. In taking back a little control, you'll find not only does your spirit get a little lift, but your creativity does, too. And that's where your business will thank you.


So vow to live your life. Because when you live, your business flourishes. (See Richard Branson as a stellar example of that!) Break up with your routine, force yourself to think.

Go do things you'd never normally do, like ride a motorcycle, drink whiskey instead of tequila, hand glide over the ocean (HOLY HELL, let's not get crazy!!), juice it for a week, try getting out of your pajamas when you work, cook only meatless dishes for two weeks, see Europe...just LIVE whatever your definition of change and FUN would be.

Force your brain to come up with solutions and ideas to flex and build your creative muscle. Because that creative muscle is going to be your ace-in-the-hole. It's going to be right hook you knock your competition out with.

What are you going to do to shift your world today?

Kick Ass!

