A personal letter to YOU, click Here
Bikers, babes, and bad attitudes. That's what people said they thought of when they heard the term “badass”.
Nope. That’s not it, at all.
Badass is confidence. It’s authority. It’s the emotion, the connection, that your users feel when they land on your site because they can tell you know your stuff.
Doesn't matter if you drive a Honda or a Camaro. Whether you wear White Stag or Prada. Or even whether you listen to Justin Beiber or HELLYEAH (Okay, it DOES matter if you listen to Justin Beiber!).
It’s about an attitude that creates a tantalizing experience for people so they consider doing business with you.
That’s what Badass’d is.
Making people fall in love with what you do and how you'll finally be able to end their struggles with losing weight, learning to run a business, or whatever's keeping them up at night is Badass'd.
It's also about the ability to make them feel, build bridges, and close the gaping divide that stands between them and their less stressful lives.
So, if you’re wondering whether or not your business needs badassery amidst it’s pages, the answer is:
Without a doubt.
Your reader's been looking for the right coach for weeks. She’s frustrated and tired of the wannabes that slap guru behind their name and call themselves leaders. They could no more help her find her way out of a one way tunnel with a train headed their way at the other end than help her finally conquer her fears.
And she’s tired of looking.
Then, lo and behold, someone happened to RT one of your tweets and it caught her attention. And like a good boy, your recent tweaks to your Twitter profile nailed the intrigue factor for her. (I'm so proud of you!! ;) )
Now, she’s tracked you to your site. Oh my. Your profile sounded so much livelier than this. Your tone is flat. Your words don’t resonate with her fears. She’s lost and confused. You really can’t help her like she thought.
Oh well. Click.
Gone is one more potential client. One more person you could have helped out of the darkness.
What if you had actually badass’d your site? What if you either did it yourself, or outsourced it to a copywriter, and had your authority and your voice put out there in a way that actually SPOKE to her? In a way that made her feeeeeeel her fears could actually be conquered?
Cue the squiggly remembering lines that used to be on TV - and if you’re not old enough to remember...well, ask your mama, she’ll explain it. ;)
Imagine Stalker landed on your site and the first words she read were the words she’d been longing to hear. Words that didn’t sound JUST like every other guru/coach/wannabe celebrity on the net. What if your site were graffitied with personality and confidence? What if you peppered your business with the authority that you actually are?
Think Stalker would click away then?
My guess is that she’d hurry to subscribe to your email list. Then, she’d be off to follow you all over social media. Not because you made her an empty promise, but because she felt the echo of that promise, that bridge you built, in her soul.
So, your assignment right now is to either sign up to get a handy PDF that’ll help you DIY your copy or find someone who can badass it for you. Because your words are not just pixels on the screen. They’re the lifeblood of your biz.
Thanks for reading! Have an MASSIVE week! Tania
If you’re not on the email list yet, you’re missing weekly-ish actionable tips that are helping businesses grow. (Plus you’ll be privy to a handsome 30% discount on Badass’d services that only subscribers get to cash in on! ;) <3 )